
Eichstaedt, J. C., Schwartz, H. A., Kern, M. L., Park, G., Labarthe, D. R., Merchant, R. M., Jha, S., Agrawal, M., Dziurzynski, L. A., Sap, M., Weeg, C., Larson, E. E., Ungar, L. H., & Seligman, M. E. (in press). Psychological Language on Twitter Predicts County-Level Heart Disease Mortality. Psychological Science.

We show that Twitter can contain more information about county-level heart disease than solid epidemiological models that include socioeconomic status, demographics and health factors. Hostility and disengagement in particular are associated with risk. Engagement, positive emotions and optimism show protective associations. 




[pdf] Park, G., Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J. C., Kern, M. L., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D. J., Ungar, L. H., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2014).
Automatic personality assessment through social media language. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

This is a great one. We show that Facebook-language-based predictions of personality are about as good as a friend's rating. 
Press: neuroskeptic 

[pdf] Kern, M. L., Eichstaedt, J. C., Schwartz, H. A., Dziurzynski, L., Ungar, L. H., Stillwell, D. J., … & Seligman, M. E. P. (2014).
The online social self: An open vocabulary approach to personality. Assessment, 21, 158-169. 

[pdf] Kern, M. L., Eichstaedt, J. C., Schwartz, H. A., Park, G., Ungar, L. H., Stillwell, D. J., … & Seligman, M. E. P. (2014).
From “sooo excited!!!” to “so proud”: Using language to study development. Developmental Psychology, 50, 178-188 

[pdf] Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J. C., Kern, M. L., Dziurzynski, L., Ramones, S. M., Agrawal, M., Shah, A., Kosinki, M., Stillwell, D., Seligman, M. E. P., & Ungar, L. H. (2013). Personality, gender, and age in the language of social media: The open-vocabulary approach. PLOS ONE, 8, e73791.  online 

Computer Science

[pdf] Sap, M., Park, G., Eichstaedt, J. C., Kern, M. L., Stillwell, D. J., Kosinski, M., Ungar, L. H., & Schwartz, H. A. (2014). Developing age and gender predictive lexica over social media. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMLNP). Doha, Qatar. 

[pdf] Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J. C., Kern, M. L., Park, G., Sap, M., Stillwell, D., Kosinski, M., Ungar, L. H. (2014). Towards Assessing Changes in Degree of Depression through Facebook. ACL 2014 Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology, 118. 

 [pdfEichstaedt, J. C. *, Schwartz, H. A.*, Kern, M. L., Dziurzynski, L., Lucas, R. E., Agrawal, M., Park, G. J., Lakshmikanth, S. K., Jha, S., Seligman, M. E. P., & Ungar, L. H. (2013). Characterizing Geographic Variation in Well-Being using Tweets. In Seventh International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM). Boston, MA. (* Equal contribution.)

[pdf] Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J. C., Dziurzynski, L., Kern, M. L., Blanco, E., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D., Seligman, M. E. P., & Ungar, L. H. (2013). Toward Personality Insights from Language Exploration in Social Media. In AAAI Spring Symposium Series. Stanford, CA. 

[pdf] Schwartz, H. A., Eichstaedt, J. C., Dziurzynski, L., Kern, M. L., Blanco, E., Ramones, S., Seligman, M. E. P., & Ungar, L. H. (2013). Choosing the Right Words: Characterizing and Reducing Error of the Word Count Approach. In *SEM-2013: Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics.