Responsible Development and Evaluation of LLMs in Psychotherapy

This brief reviews the current landscape of LLMs developed for psychotherapy and proposes a framework for evaluating the readiness of these AI tools for clinical deployment.

Policy Brief: Toward Responsible Development and Evaluation of LLMs in Psychotherapy [pdf]
Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University

Societal Response to COVID-19

The New York Times
5 Rules to Live By During a Pandemic

The New York Times
How to Hug During a Pandemic

The New York Times
Is Everybody Doing … OK? Let’s Ask Social Media

Facebook Language Predicts Depression in Medical Records

Policy Brief: AI-Enabled Depression Prediction Using Social Media
Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University

The New York Times
’Screen Time’ Is Over


The Independent
AI helps diagnose depression three months earlier than health services by analysing Facebook posts

Der Spiegel
Facebook-Postings können auf Depressionen hinweisen

Coverage in 50+ outlets and article stats are here (Altmetric).

Press Release:
University of Pennsylvania

Psychological Language on Twitter Predicts County-Level Heart Disease Mortality
(Psychological Science)

The New Yorker
What Your Tweets Say About You

Washington Post
Tweets can better predict heart disease rates than income, smoking and diabetes, study finds

New York Magazine
Can Angry Tweets Predict Heart-Disease Rates?

The Onion
Study Links Negative Tweets To More Heart Disease

Coverage in 40+ outlets and article stats are here (Altmetric).

Press Releases:
University of Pennsylvania 
Association for Psychological Science
University of Melbourne

Automatic Personality Assessment Through Social Media Language
(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)

New York Magazine
Here Are the Things Introverts Say on Facebook

How Your Facebook Updates Reveal Your Personality

Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach

Study: status update language used to predict Facebook users' age, gender, personality

Scientists Used Facebook For the Largest Ever Study of Language and Personality

MIT Technology Review 
How Your Facebook Profile Reveals More About Your Personality Than You Know

USA Today 
What your Facebook status says about you

New York Times Blog 
Your Personality Type, Revealed by the Internet

Psychologie Heute
Business Insider 
Daily Mail 
MIT Technology Review 
USA Today 

Press Releases: 
University of Pennsylvania